Best lecturers! Feynman Prize Recipients

Feynman Prize Recipients

2014-2015 Kevin Gilmartin, English
2013-2014 Steven Frautschi, Theoretical Physics
2012-2013 John Johnson, Planetary Astronomy
2011-2012 Paul Asimow, Geology and Geochemistry
2010-2011 Morgan Kousser, History and Social Science
2009-2010 Dennis Dougherty, Chemistry
2008-2009 Shuki Bruck, Computation and Neural Systems and Electrical Engineering
2007-2008 Zhen-Gang Wang, Chemical Engineering
2006-2007 Michael Brown, Planetary Astronomy
2005-2006 Richard Murray, Control and Dynamical Systems
2004-2005 Christopher Brennen, Mechanical Engineering
2003-2004 George Rossman, Mineralogy
2002-2003 Niles Pierce, Applied and Computational Mathematics
2001-2002 Joseph Kirschvink, Geobiology
2000-2001 David Stevenson, Planetary Science
1999-2000 Donald Cohen, Applied Mathematics
1998-1999 Emlyn Hughes, Physics
1997-1998 Barbara Imperiali, Chemistry
1996-1997 R. David Middlebrook, Electrical Engineering
1995-1996 Yaser Abu-Mostafa, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
1994-1995 Erik Antonsson, Mechanical Engineering
1993-1994 Tom Tombrello, Basic and Applied Physics
